Kangaroo Flat Sports Club Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
Kangaroo Flat Sports Club has a strong commitment to caring for its customers including maintaining strong responsible alcohol and responsible gambling policies and practices.
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Kangaroo Flat Sports Club Code of Conduct:
Kangaroo Flat SC Chinese RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Arabic RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Vietnamese RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Turkish RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Spanish RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Italian RG Code of Conduct 2018
Kangaroo Flat SC Greek RG Code of Conduct 2018
The Club’s Statement of Commitment in regard to Responsible Gambling is as follows:
“This venue is committed to the wellbeing of its patrons, employees and the wider community which it operates. It strives to deliver all its services in a responsible and sustainable manner providing the means for our patrons to have informed choices and exercise a rational and sensible part of this commitment, the venue has adopted a comprehensive Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct, and a Self-Exclusion Program, and will provide the necessary resources, both financial and human, to support the proper operation and fulfilment of the Code at these premises.
A copy of our Code, including major community languages, is available at the Cashier’s Station upon request.”